Diagnostic and estimation

General evaluation of the building to repair.

Before any repairs it is necessary to take into consideration the entire structure and its environment. The walls, openings, roof framework, floors, finishing work, renders, defects, previous repairs, extensions, mass and load distribution as well as previous and actual uses must be observed and understood.

It is critical to precisely understand the limits and capabilities of rammed earth for any repairs and for the entire life time of the structure.

After removal of the renders, measurements of the structure should be taken with precise location of defects noted. These graphical documents, completed by photographic evidence should be communicated to all the trades involved in the project.

Defect analyses.

The examination of the structure, its usage and environment, allow us to explain the cause of any hydric or mechanical defects. Very often, the origin of defects is a combination of several causes.

Adapted measures should be taken to eliminate these causes.

Risk assessment.

The examination of the structure allows us to evaluate any risks to the stability of the structure and to assure the security of workers.
Crack monitors should be installed systematically.

Intervention chronology.

When the planning is made for the intervention, priority should be given to the building’s durability and workers security. Building with rammed earth can only be done between March and October.
As for any project, moving in deadlines and companies organisational obligations must be considered.
At this stage, the chronology of interventions and a provisional calendar can be established.

Intervention description and cost estimation.

For each realisation, the repair time for the different defects will be calculated. This is entirelybased on the company’s experience as it is impossible to rely on a pre-established cost guide.